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Cultural Curriculum

Theortical and practical


or Cultural Studies I


An introductory course on the postmodern world with the scientific, urban and secular revolutions. It deals with the demands of a changing world and decisions to renew our social context. The course presents the 20th Century revolutions of common sense, common style and common symbol to train people to effectively renew society.  The original CSI curriculum and course lecture outlines are here.

CSI Course Overview 1978 (for printing)

CSI Course Manual, November 1973

Participant Course Summary, Summer Academy 1969 (for printing)

Course Update Recommendations, Global Operations 1981 (for printing)


Campbell, Joseph, Myths to Live By:  Chapter 10 The Inner Journey

Talk: Lecture Talk Through (for printing), October 1981

      Common Style and Notes (for printing), November 1973


Seminar:  “Myth and Megapolis“, Lewis Mumford and notes (for printing)’ notes (for printing)

Talk:  Secular Revolution and symbol

4×4 and notes (for printing) and

Talk through


Semina:  “Observations on Religious Symbolism“, Mircea Eliade

Eliade Seminar Plan and Notes (for printing); more notes

“Myths to Live By”, Joseph Campbell notes (for printing)

The Significance of Symbols“, Rollo May

Contextual Ethics lecture 4×4 and notes (for printing)

 Indicative Ethics, Joseph Mathews, November 3, 1972

Indicative Ethics Talk Through

New Morality talk, Joseph Mathews 1972 (for printing)


Seminar: The Philosphy of Revolution by Jean Paul Sartre. Notes (for printing)


Workshop:  Global/Local Problemat.

Community Reformulation Lecture 4×4 and notes, 1974 (for printing)

Human Development Talk Through December 1981 (for printing)

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Each of the three theoretical cultural courses creates a dialogue between the sciences and humanities of academic curriculum .A study of cultural wisdom about understanding individual human beings. The science of psychology is examined in its biological, social and rational schools alongside the impressionism, expressionism and existentialism of the arts. The seminars explore the creative role of anxiety, the developed of neurotic trends, the search for meaning and the philosophy of art. The intent of the routes is to articulate the basic drives of human beings, their limita­tions and the possibility of creating images that affirm the human struggle. It also intends to enable participants to embrace neurotic patterns as a part of human living and to offer oneself as creative service to society.  The original lecture outlines for this course are here.

Course Manual, 1969 (for printing)

Overview of the Psychology and Art course as it was taught in 1969.

Four lecture overview

Therapeutic psychology (for printing)

Lecture:  Lecture draft and Joe Pierce

Lecture notes  (for printing) and 4×4  (for printing)

Seminar:  “The Organization of Personality”, Calvin S. Hall

Seminar notes (for printing)

 Biological Psychology, Sigmund Freud

Lecture:  4×4 and other notes (for printing)

Seminar:  “Self Analysis“, Karen Horney

Seminar notes (for printing)

Lecture 4×4 (for printing)


Seminar:  “Basic Concepts of Logotherapy“, Victor E. Frankl

 Seminar notes (for printing)

Talk:  Revolutionary Art 4×4 (for printing) and Robert Fishel

and David McCleskey

The Art Teacher as an Educator“, Ann McGee

Expressionism and Impressionism


Seminar:  “Art as Living Form“, Susanne K. Langer

Seminar notes (for printing)




Sociology and History is the second course exploring the academic disciplines, juxtaposing the sciences and humanities.  This course studies the thinking regarding the model building for the new society emerging.  Lectures focus on new paradigms of social dynamics in the human community and systems thinking. Seminars ground the theory in everyday experience.  The science of sociology – involving economic, political and cultural aspects of society – is discussed in light of objective, rational and existential developments of history. The course intends to grapple self-consciously with the non-rational and irrational aspects of our own and other cultures.  The original course lecture outlines are here.

4x4s and reading list of course (for printing)

Overview of course.  (for printing).  Academ overview (for printing)

Notes on talks (for printing)


Sociology and History Lab (for printing)




A study of the cultural wisdom regarding the comprehensive grasp of human existence. The natural science of biology, physics and mathematics are placed in relationship your pulses present and analytical, existential and medical built The natural science of biology, physics and mathematics are placed in relation to the approaches present in analytical, existential and metabilt philosophies. Rational Objective: To grasp that the relational unity of the macrocosm and the microcosm  releases an understanding of metabilt unity. Existential Aim: To be served by the wonder of the physical universe and the human being and to assume responsibility for ordering continued through our own existence. two bases by the wonder of the physical universe and the human being and to assume responsibility for ordering continuing thinkig through our own existence.  The original course lecture outlines are here.

Talk:  Economics and the Foundational Social Processes 4×4 and notes, 1972 (for printing); more notes


Talk:  Political Thought and the Processes of Social Ordering – David McCleskey, 1967 and another version

Notes, 1969; Terry Loomis notes, 1971 (for printing)


The Political and Social Determinants of Knowledge”, Karl Mannheim

Seminar plan (for printing)


The Political Process, Universityy 13, Gordon Harper

Talk:  Cultural Anthropology and the Cultural Dynamics of the Social Process Charles Hahn, 1967

Notes on Cultural lecture (for printing).  Lingafelter notes (for printing)


“Common Humanity and Diverse Cultures“, Clyde Kluckholm

      Seminar notes (for printing)

Talk:  History Joseph Slicker

4×4 and notes on talk


Christian Faith and History“, Rudolf Bultman

Seminar notes (for printing)

Lecture:  Gene Marshall.



Seminar:  “How Human is Man?”, Loren Eiseley (from the book, The Firmament of Time, 1966)

Lecture:  Text and notes (for printing).


Seminar:  “Revolution as Changes of Worldview” by Thomas S. Kuhn with seminar notes (for printing).

Lecture:  Gene Marshall, 1969.  1971 outline and notes (for printing).  Handwritten notes.(for printing)


Seminar: “On Beauty and Power” , W.W. Sawyer with lesson plan (for printing)

Lecture:  Gene Marshall, 1972 (for printing).  Frank Hilliard.  4×4 and notes, 1969 (for printing).



Seminar:  “The Problem of Truth” by Richard Hocking.  Seminar notes (for printing).

L:ecture:  Meta-Built by Gene Marshall, 1969





An analysis of the marriage cov­enant, family structures and the image of the family as mission. Through workshops, models are created for the roles of the sexes, the budgeting of life expenditure, and the symbolic relationship of the generations. Rational Objective: To understand the meaning of covenant and to offer practical images and methods for the economic, political and cultural dynamics of the missional family. Existential Aim: To elicit the decision to recreate and restructure covenant and style in order to sustain a unified family.  The original lecture course outlines are here.




An analysis of the structures of the inner city, suburbs and rural communities as segments of the metropolitan world. Model- building methodologies are used to grasp a vision for local reformulation. Rational Objective: To expose the shallowness of the symbols people live out of and the depth problem as a state of spiritual vacuum. Rational objective: to expose the shallowness of the symbols people live out of in the depth problem as a state of spiritual vacuum. Existential Aim: to experience oneself is participating in symbols that require comprehensiveness, inclusiveness and death. to experience oneself as participating in symbols that require comprehensiveness, inclusiveness and depth.  The original course lecture outlines are here.




An  analysis of  the economic, political and cultural situations around the globe. Problems, goals and strategies for the future world are brought together in the creation of models for a responsible citizenry. The intent is to bring the global grid to consciousness and enable its use as an interpretive screen for current affairs. Participants experience the limitations of parochial­ism and romanticism to assume responsibility for the future of the planet.  The original course lecture outlines are her

Course Manual (for printing)

Course 4×4 and notes (for printing)

Course Overview and Notes

Lecture notes (for printing)
Seminar:  “Role of Ideology in the Great Transition“, Kenneth Boulding

Workshop:  Notes (for printing)



Lecture:  Overview of LA, Delores Morrill1997 and lecture notes (for printing)

Lecture notes (for printing)
Seminar:  “Latin American Masses” , Julio de Santa Ana

Workshop:  Notes (for printing)




NAME lecture notes (for printing)




Lecture:  Notes

Communitarian Socialism, Julius Nyerere

Lecture:  India and China notes

Sub-Asia notes (for printing)

India Penetration Report, 1970 (for printing)


Workshop:  India notes (for printing)



India and the West , Barbara Ward

Religion of Man chart, R. Tagore (for printing)

Lecture: China Notes (for printing)

China and India notes

SEAPAC notes (for printing)


Seminar:  On Contradiction“, Mao Tse Tung

Places and People of Southeast Asia – Cozier


China workshop

SEAPAC workshop (for printing)