Intellectual talks and methods were initially taught in the Academy and International Training Institutes (ITIs) globally. These courses were revised, updated and strengthened during the following years by ICA offices and individuals teaching them. What follows represents some of the initial work that was done. These two talks provide an overall context to the why and what of the methods: “Intellectual Methods Context” and “Foundational to All Methods is Conciousness”
IMA Image Change (for print)
Imaginal Education that has emerged over the years is described in more detail in the Image Change Collection. The links below were some of the earliest imaginal methods.
“The Life Triangles“, 1981 (for print)
IMB Teaching Method (for print)
IMC. Training (for print)
IMD. Mass Education
- Charting Context and Steps
- On Charting, The Art and Science of Participation, 2012
- Staples, Bill, Charting the Day
- Four Level Charting Workshop, ITI Faculty Manual, 1979
- Shropshire, Robert, Charting as Radaical Monotheism and print version, March 1972
- Shropshire, Robert, Charting as a Life Method, Spring 1971, another version and edited in 1978. Four Levels of Charting, 1971. Seattle Methods Academy version.
- Mathews, Joseph, Charting Lecturette, ITI India Imaginal Ed Pedagogy Lab, November 1968
- Marshall, Gene, Charting Method
- Pierce, Joseph, Charting Method
- Charting Steps and 8-step version and 10-step version of ITI India, 1970 and 12-step version of ITI India, 1972
“The greatest single antidote to violence is conversation, speaking our fears, listening to the fears of others, and in that sharing of vulnerabilities, discovering a genesis of hope.” Jonathan Sacks
Multiple methods for leading effective conversations based on the four-level approach of Objective, Reflective, Interpretive and Decisional steps (ORID) are found in the Facilitation Methods Collection. Early development of the methods follow:
Guiding Conversations
(or Lecture Building)
- Preparing Participatory Presentations and samples
- Paraticipatory Presentation Procedures, October, 2009 (for print)
- Lecture 4×4, April, 1981 (for print)
- Lecture Building, Academy, May, 1974
- Lecture Building: Giving a Dramatic Lecture. May 28, 1974
- Lecture Building, Spring 1971
- Seven Steps to Writing a Speech and 12 Steps, ITI India, 1972
- Talk Creation Steps, Robert Shropshire
- Lecture 4×4 form (for printing) and other lecture building forms
- (for printing)