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I. Books, II. Theses and III. Memoirs written by EI/ICA Colleagues

Some two hundred books have been written by Institute colleagues over the years, ranging from non-fiction to fiction, sprituality, history, and methods.  The photo above shows many of them.


As you review these books, you will see some titles in bold blue. Clicking on the titles may take you to where the book can be purchased. In some cases it will take you to a PDF of the book that you can read online. In other words these writers have given permission for their books to be scanned, making their writing available for anyone in the world to read.


If you have a book you are willing to have posted online, email a PDF copy to


I.  Books

Addington, R. James, Tragic Investment: How race sabotages communities and jeopardizes America’s future – and what we can do about it (2019)



Baggett, John F.



Bergdall, Terry.



Broersma, Patricia. Riding into Your Mythic Life: Transformational Adventures (2007)



Burbidge, John



Buss, Sarah H.



Campbell, James M, Facilitating Authentic Participation: Transformative steps to empower groups (2019)



Chagnon, Lucille Tessier.



Cock, John P.

Dove, Jenelle. Reflections on Jesus’ Journey (2017)


Dunn, David M.



Dyson, Burton and Dyson, Elizabeth. Neighborhood Caretakers: Stories, Strategies and Tools for Healing Urban Community (1989)



Eggerling, Glenda Long, The Comer: From grief to romance and remarriage at age 60 – a widow’s plunge into bewilderment, promise and pleasure (2014)



Eggert, Nancy J., Contemplative Leadership for Entrepreneurial Organizations: Paradigms, metaphors and wicked problems (1998)



Elliott, Richard, Jr., Falling in Love With Mystery: We Don’t Have to Pretend Anymore (1998)



Engleman, Vance Sherwood. In Search of Profound Humanness: A Collection of Writings to Stir the Senses (2003)





Ennis, Carl. An Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times: A Memoir (2018)



Enright, Beverly Rose. Lucky Icons (2012) and Ask the Butterflies



Epps, John L.

Evans, Mary Anne, McElfresh, Rebecca, and Smith, Lucy Ellen. Embracing Our Final Days: A Journey of Care to the End (2018)



Feldmanis, A. Ed. After the Wedding Cake: The Couple’s Book for Newlyweds and Those Preparing for Marriage (2016)


Fishel, Judy,



Gadway, Kaze. Stamp It Holy: Stories and Wisdom of Native Youth (2017)



Gadway, Kaze, and Wilson, Priscilla H. Everyday Wonder: from Kansas to Kenya from Ecuador to Ethiopia (2014)



Gibson, John, Explore Sustainable Indiana: Hoosier solutions to our climate crisis, 2016




Gilbraith, Martin, Kimberly Bain and others, The Power of Facilitation (2021)



Goetz, Klaus and Mann, Clarence (editors). Borderless Business: Managing the Far-Flung Enterprise (2006)



Greene, Herman, Center for Ecozoic Studies website.  Copies of the Ecozoic Journal.




Greene, Richard Tabor. Global Quality: A Synthesis of the World’s Best Management Methods (1984)



Gregory, Susan. Hey, White Girl! (1970)



Gribble, June A. and Heckman, Shirley. Covenant People (1993)



Griffith, Beret E. (editor)




Griffith, Brian. The Garden of Their Dreams, Desertification and Culture in World History (2001)



Gruba, Paul and Hinkelman, Don. Blending Technologies in the Second Language Classroom (2011)



Hanson, Bob (Ko Shin)

*   Warrior Poets: A Path and Task that Does Not End, June 12, 2021

*   Duende, A Momentary Burst of Inspiration, June 23, 2019

*  The Inner Passage, May 29, 2012

*  Chasing Windmills. Why Not, March 30, 2008



Hanson, Mirja P. Clues to Achieving Consensus: A Leader’s Guide to Navigating Collaborative Problem Solving (2005)




Heckman, Shirley J.

*  On the Wings of a Butterfly: A Guide to Total Christian Education (1981)

*  Visions of Peace, 1984



Heckman, Shirley




Hinkelman, Don and Gruba, Paul. Blending Technologies in the Second Language Classroom (2011)


Holmes, Duncan and Stanfield, Jeanette. The Courage to Lead Study Guide: Lesson Plans for Group Study (2016)



Howie, Ellen and Lindblad, Judy.

  • Signs of Tolerance: More Poems in Collaboration with Life and One Another (1995)

  • Signs of Life: Poems in Collaboration with Life and One Another (1994)


Institute of Cultural Affairs International, Brussels (editor).

IERD Series

What’s Happening Today in 51 Rural Development Projects: 51 ‘Approaches’ that are Working! (1990)

Jenkins, Maureen R. and Jenkins, Jon C. 



Jinks, Joy Sloan





Kroeger, Amelia, Get the Point: Life and Times of Dick Kroeger (2011)

Kroeger, Brooke, The Suffragents:  How women used men to get the vote (2017)



Lachman, Wesley. The Shortest Way Home: A Contemplative Path to God (2008)



Lanphear, Fred.Songaia, an Unfolding Dream: The Story of a Community’s Journey into Being(2013)



Lazear, David




Lewellen, James R. and Williams, R. Bruce Leading for Success: Fourteen Lessons to Great Leadership (2013)



Lindblad, Judy and Howie, Ellen

  • Signs of Tolerance: More Poems in Collaboration with Life and One Another (1995)

  • Signs of Life: Poems in Collaboration with Life and One Another (1994)





Lingo, Kaira Jewel, We Were Made for These Times: Ten lessons for moving through change, loss and disruption (October 2021)



Marshall, David and Kate




Marshall, Gene Wesley



Marshall, Joyce. The Queen’s Quest and Other Tales: Stories to Live By (1994)



Mathews, James K.

*  Brother Joe: A 20th Century Apostle (2006)

*  Eternal Values in a World of Change (1959, 2009)



McCleskey, David and Webb, Patricia.

  • The Soul of the Tribe (2010)

  • The Other World…in the Midst of Our World: A Journey Book for Spiritual Travelers (2005)

  • The River of Consciousness: Spirit Exercises for the New Millennium (2001)



McGuire, Jann, Illness as Initiation: An Unlikely Heroine’s Journey (2010)


Mead, Christine. Disaster Work, Journey of Discovery: Creative Learning from Disasters (1990)




Mittleman, Daniel and Druckenmiller, Douglas (editors). Annual Editions: Technologies, Social Media, and Society (2019)



Moore, E. Maynard and Walters, M. George (editors)



Moriarty, Patrick J. (editor).




Nelson, Jo. The Art of Focused Conversation for Schools: Over 100 Ways to Guide Clear Thinking and Promote Learning – 3rd Edition (2013)




Nelson, Wayne and Jo. Getting to the Bottom of Top:  Foundations of the Methodology (2017)




Neupane, Dasarath and Timsina, Tatwa P. (editors). Changing Lives, Changing Societies: ICA’s Experience in Nepal and in the World (2013)



Ouradnik, Robert. Growing Spiritually Without Getting Bogged Down in Religion (2009)




Packard, Keith Elaine.




Pesek, Betty, et al. The Circle of Life: Extraordinary Spirit Capacities in a Life of Service (2000)




Poole, Carole J. Grits, Green Beans and the Holy Ghost: Memoirs of a Girl Monk (2015)




Reemstma, Connie W.,



Rippel, Rod




St. John, Ann, INgratitude (2015)




Salmon, William E.




Sands, Rose Anne. Nature’s Spirit Messages for Vision, Self-Mastery, and Spirituality (2011)




Sands, Blase and Rose Ann. Trust and Manifest Your Bliss (2013)




Sharp, Basil. The Adventure of Being Human: A Guide to Living a Fuller Life (2000)




Shinn, Miriam. Outback Odyssey (2004)




Singleton, Louise Robinson




Slotta, OliveAnn Davis. Image Based Instruction, Foundations and Pedagogy (2009)




Smith, Lucy Ellen, Embracing Our Final Days: A journey of care to the end (2018)




Spencer, Laura. Winning Through Participation: Meeting the challenge of corporate change with the Technology of Participation (1989) and in Spanish.




Stanfield, Jeanette, Just Checkin’ on Ya:” My Journey of Being a Caregiver for a Loved One (2009)



Stanfield, R. Brian




Staples, Bill. Transformational Strategy: Facilitation of ToP Participatory Planning (2013)

Stover, F. Nelson.



Stover, F. Nelson and Elaine. Universe Story Walk: Guidebook (1999-2018)




Strachan, Sandra Conant, Balancing Act: Strategies for Successful Aging (2017)




Timsina, Tatwa P. and Neupane, Dasarath (editors). Changing Lives, Changing Societies: ICA’s Experience in Nepal and in the World (2013)



Troxel, James P. (editor).




True, Robert. Prayers for Transition: In Memory of Sandra Anderson True (2011)



Wagner, LiDona.



Walker, Sunny. Facilitation Guide for People in Prevention: beginning the journey (2002)




Walters, M. George and Moore, E. Maynard (editors).




Ward, Larry, America’s Racial Karma: An Invitation to Heal (2020)


Webb, Patricia

  • Morning Work: A memoir in poetry and prose (2021)

  • The Other World In the Midst of This World (2005)


Webster, John. My EI/ICA Encounters (2001)




Wegner, Timothy. Image Lab (1992); Fractal Creations (1991)

West, Donnamarie. What More Can We Ask For? (1986)



West, George Randall. Creating Community: Finding Meaning in the Place We Live: A Handbook for Comprehensive Community Development  (2012)




Williams, R. Bruce.

Williams, R. Bruce and Lewellen, James R. Leading for Success: Fourteen Lessons to Great Leadership (2013)




Wilson, Priscilla H



Wilson, Priscilla H. and Gadway, Kaze. Every Day Wonder: From Kansas to Kenya from Ecuador to Ethiopia (2014)



Work, Robertson


Wright, Terry C.


Zahrt, David and Linda. Proper Liza Footprint (1987)



Ziegenhorn, Donna Woodard. Hindu and the Cowboy: A One-Act Play (2005)

II. University Papers and Other Writings 

Related to Institutes Work 

Bergdall, Thomas W., A Bare Bones Outline of Secular Christianity (2022)

Bingham, Annette Patton. An Analysis of Participatory Development Programs Which Could Lead to Empowerment of People. MA Thesis (1993)

Clements, Mollie, The New Humanity and An Indicator: As exemplified in the Global Council of the Order: Ecumenical, an independent study with Rosemary R. Ruether, December 6, 1984

Crocker, Marilyn, Teacher Burnout: The Price of Chronic Imbalance in The Quality of Worklife Imbalance: A Systems Analysis of the Problem, 1991

Epps, John. The Concept of the Church in the Theology of H. Richard Niebuhr,  Doctoral Thesis, Southern Methodist University (1971)

Elliott, David D., “The Soul of Man and the Radical Religious: St. Francis and the 20th Century“, dissertation for Master of Divinity at the Chicago Theological Seminary (1971)

Gilbert, Amara, Rites of Passage: An ethnographic exploration (May 19, 1998)

Hanson, Greta, Intentional Community: An Exploration in Maintenance, Thesis for Bachelor of Arts program, Department of Sociology, 1989

Hefte, Rachel M., Co-Motion: Empowering youth through skill training and community-based projects (April 2002), Masters at Hamline University, St. Paul, MN

Hess, G. Alfred, Jr.,  Epistemological Basis of Imaginal Education (2005); Global Development Training for Village Residents: The Maharashtra Village Development Project. Doctoral Thesis (1980)

Jones, Mary Laura. Uptown Then and Now, April 2004

Kloepfer, John. The Art of Formative Questioning: A Way to Foster Self-disclosure.Thesis (1990)

Kroeger, Brooke Weinstin, “The Ecumenical Institute“, Master’s Project, May 1972

Mathews, Joseph Wesley, John Wesley:  Chapter 1:  The Human Constitution; Chapter 2:  The Life of Love; Chapter 3:  The Knowledge of Faith; Conclusion Concluding Remarks, Doctoral Thesis (194?)

Mathews, Joseph Wesley, Selected Talks, November 1978

Mathews, Joseph Wesley Jr. Fifth City: A case study in community development, MA Thesis (1975)

McGuire, Jann. Dark Passage: Illness as Initiation. Doctoral Thesis. University of Creation Spirituality (2001)

Newkirk, Karen, TRADING PLACES: Integrating Indigenous Australian knowledge into the modern economy (2020)

Packard, K. Elise, The Effect of the Learning Basket Approach on Teen Mothers’ Perception of the Role of Play in Infant Development and Their Own Confidence as Learners, Doctoral Thesis (2003)

Salmon, William E., The Development and Application of a Curriculum by which United Methodist Pastor-Parish Relations Committees and Pastors May Move to Mutual Ministry, Doctoral Thesis (1997)

Scott, Patricia Porter, ICA as a Learning Organization, 1995

Shinn, Ed, Parts of Shinn’s doctoral program:  The Village Earth Model for Sustainable Village Development, and A Brief History of Village Earth.

Slotta, OliveAnn Davis, Roles and Perceptions of Five Stakeholder Groups in a High School Program that Exemplified Second-Order Change,Doctoral Thesis (1999)

Troxel, Jonathan, Narrative Therapy Works: Telling the transformative story through narrative therapy (2004)

Tupe, Bhimrao, “A Study of Parenting Education“, Masters Thesis (2020)

Valdes, Kristine A. An Historical and Philosophical Context for Adopting a Project Approach to Teaching and Learning, MA Thesis (1998)

Wilkinson, Conna, The Oklahoma City Central City Jets:  Imaginal Religious Education in an Urban Setting (1994)



III.  Colleague Memoirs

Bailey, Bill. The Adventures of Bill and Marianna Bailey: As I Remember It (2009)

Betonte, Hilde (Smith), Memories of Life in the Faith and Life Community, the Ecumenical Institute and the Institute of Cultural Affairs (2019)

Bishop, Isobel Antoinette. The Circle of Grace: From Local to Global to Local(2018)

Bishop, Jim. Discovering the Balance: Between Reason and Emotion, Action and Reflection as Scientist, Parish Minister, Village Consultant Prison Chaplain (2018)

Campbell, James M, A Journey of Beginnings: The making of a life (2019)

Early, Lee, Footprints (2020)

Griffin, Muriel and Robert,  Journey On (2018)

Hefte, Rachel, Co-Motion – Empowering Youth through Skill Training and Community-based Projects, April 2002

Salmon, Bill, Living with Death as a Friend, July 25, 2014

Singleton, Louise, At Home Between Earth and Sky (2015)

Webb, Patricia, Morning Work: A poetry and prose memoir (2021)

Zahrt, David. Around the World and Back: David’s Memoirs (2018)