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Additional Writings of Institutes’ Work

For your review and enjoyment are university papers and memoirs staff and colleagues have written related to the work of the Institutes since the 1960s.


University Papers


Bergdall, Thomas W., A Bare Bones Outline of Secular Christianity, 2022


Clements, Mollie, The New Humanity and An Indicator: As exemplified in the Global Council of the Order: Ecumenical, an independent study with Rosemary R. Ruether, December 6, 1984


Crocker, Marilyn, Teacher Burnout: The Price of Chronic Imbalance in The Quality of Worklife Imbalance: A Systems Analysis of the Problem, 1991


Epps, John. The Concept of the Church in the Theology of H. Richard Niebuhr,  Doctoral Thesis, Southern Methodist University, 1971


Elliott, David D., “The Soul of Man and the Radical Religious: St. Francis and the 20th Century“, dissertation for Master of Divinity at the Chicago Theological Seminary, 1971


Gilbert, Amara, Rites of Passage: An ethnographic exploration, May 1998


Hanson, Greta, Intentional Community: An Exploration in Maintenance, Thesis for Bachelor of Arts program, Department of Sociology, 1989


Hefte, Rachel M., Co-Motion: Empowering youth through skill training and community-based projects, Masters at Hamline University, St. Paul, MN, April 2002


Hess, G. Alfred, Jr.,  Epistemological Basis of Imaginal Education (2005); Global Development Training for Village Residents: The Maharashtra Village Development Project, Doctoral Thesis, 1980


Jones, Mary Laura. Uptown Then and Now, April 2004


Kloepfer, John. The Art of Formative Questioning: A Way to Foster Self-disclosure.Thesis, 1990


Kroeger, Brooke Weinstin, “The Ecumenical Institute“, Master’s Project, May 1972


Marsh, Catherine, Business Executives’ Perceptions of Ethical Leadership and Its Development, published in the Journal of ‘Business Ethics, 2013


Mathews, Joseph Wesley, John Wesley:  Chapter 1:  The Human Constitution; Chapter 2:  The Life of Love; Chapter 3:  The Knowledge of Faith; Conclusion Concluding Remarks, Doctoral Thesis, 1947


Mathews, Joseph Wesley, Selected Talks, November 1978


Mathews, Joseph Wesley Jr. Fifth City: A case study in community development, MA Thesis, 1975


McGuire, Jann. Dark Passage: Illness as Initiation. Doctoral Thesis. University of Creation Spirituality,  2001


Newkirk, Karen, TRADING PLACES: Integrating Indigenous Australian knowledge into the modern economy, 2020


Packard, K. Elise, The Effect of the Learning Basket Approach on Teen Mothers’ Perception of the Role of Play in Infant Development and Their Own Confidence as Learners, Doctoral Thesis, 2003


Salmon, William E., The Development and Application of a Curriculum by which United Methodist Pastor-Parish Relations Committees and Pastors May Move to Mutual Ministry, Doctoral Thesis, 1997


Scott, Patricia Porter, ICA as a Learning Organization, 1995


Shinn, Ed, Parts of Shinn’s doctoral program:  The Village Earth Model for Sustainable Village Development, and A Brief History of Village Earth.


Slotta, OliveAnn Davis, Roles and Perceptions of Five Stakeholder Groups in a High School Program that Exemplified Second-Order Change,Doctoral Thesis, 1999


Tupe, Bhimrao, “A Study of Parenting Education“, Masters Thesis, 2020


Valdes, Kristine A. An Historical and Philosophical Context for Adopting a Project Approach to Teaching and Learning, MA Thesis, 1998


Wilkinson, Conna, The Oklahoma City Central City Jets:  Imaginal Religious Education in an Urban Setting, 1994



Colleague Memoirs