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PJD Structure

Laying out the structure of the PJD

The Profound Journey Dialogue is a four-session seminar that guides participants to experience the profound nature of their lives.  The PJD is designed with inclusive language that helps people – all ages, all heritages, all backgrounds –to fully participate in the event.  


The 4 sessions of the PJD are focused on

    • Profound Reality…boundless relation with the way life is
    • Profound Wholeness…boundless union with all that is
    • Profound Responsibility…boundless freedom and boundless obligation
    • Profound Care…boundless compassion on behalf of Earth community

Secular in nature, a major foundation for the PJD seminar is the Religious Studies I (RS-I) course taught by the Ecumenical Institute worldwide in the 1960-70’s that deeply inspired thousands of lives.  The sessions of the PJD are built around reflections by philosophers Rudolf Bultmann, Paul Tillich, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, H. Richard Niebuhr, and Thomas Berry.


Presentations, film clips, dialogue groups, personal writing and music provide creative expressions in this intergenerational event.  


The PJD course is found in the following links: