Based on the real-life experiences of residents of Colquitt, a town of 2,000 residents in Georgia, Swamp Gravy is a comedy, drama and musical that annually attracts tourists from far and near. The Swamp Gravy musical has been instrumental in providing a successful economic revitalization of Colquitt, a small rural town, through cultural tourism. A cast of more than 100 volunteers bring to life the stories that have helped shape the community.
Swamp Gravy has been gaining national attention since its inception, including an invite fromVice President Gore and a newspaper article anticipating the 1996 performance at the Kennedy Center of the Arts in Washington DC. In 2018 National Public Radio did an interview about Swamp Gravy. Georgia’s general assembly designated Swamp Gravy “Georgia’s Official Folk Life Play” thanks to the efforts of then-Rep. Cathy Cox in 1994.