- Ronnie Seagren wrote about Training Inc in “Education that Changes Lives”
- “Hard Work on Soft Skills – Simulation Pilot Training”, Elsa Bengel, October 2012; article in “Creating a Culture of Work”
- Taehum Park success story of obtaining job, 2011
- “The Simulation Happening”, Carol Walters, April 1997
- School Improvement Planning Report, Karen Snyder, 1990. https://wedgeblade.net/files/archives_assets/21319.pdf
- An Assessment of the Impact of Job Training Among 1981-1992 Training, Inc. Graduates, sponsored by The Ford Foundation and conducted by Rutgers University (May 1992-August 1992)
- Trainer Training in Washington, D.C., April 1988
- “Training, Inc. Past, Present and Future”, Meeting of the National Association of Training, Inc., Carol Walters, May 1986
- “Life Philosophy” spin, 1985
- Training, Inc.,: A Practical Application of Imaginal Education, Carol Pierce, 1979
- “The Staff as a Team”, Carol Walters
- Time Management, Training Inc. Newark, 1987
- Beverly Weidman letter to Training Inc. five years after 1980 graduation, 1985
- Climbing the Success Pyramid at Training Inc.