Indonesia: Famachoi Wa’u tells how he started the Harapan Nias Elementary School after the 2005 Indonesia tsunami in Nias, Indonesia, that he serves today as principal.
USA: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Central City Jets. For more than ten years Conna Wilkerson assisted in the co-sponsorship of the Christ United Methodist Church and Skyline Urban Ministries developing the Jets program. The manual, Jets Core Curriculum: What every Jet needs to know, explains the program.
USA: California: Jann McGuireemphasized images thru singing as she taught for twenty-years as a bilingual and special education teacher.
Nepal: Loren Weybright discusses new strategies for teaching, mentoring and education at Glen Buds Elementary School
While public school teachers were using Imaginal Education methods in their classrooms, at the ICA headquarters in Chicago and in houses around the world, the staff used the methods with their children. For the elementary children this included writing curriculum for after-school, weekends and summer camps. Houston staff developed curriculum based on the 1983-1984 and 1985 curriculum. The 1983-1984 Phase I Orbiter Year Book had photos for preschool through junior high youth and a curriculum design, Here are some curriculum manuals developed over the years: Camp New People in 1982; EG Manual 1979-1980; EG Curriculum Orbit V, 197;. Being the Miracle Makers 1975-1976. A Problem Solving Unit (PSU) was held about the Emerging Generation in1972. The report from the WARRIOR ABBEY summer in Canada in 1969 gives an example of what children in a summer camp experienced. IRON MAN STORIES were written by Michael May that portrayed stories for children based on the Other World.
Other elementary experiences and resources: