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Want to dig deeper??  Several items for “those who are interested in exploring further”

I am curious about this “New Social Vehicle” Research and the Summer Assemblies   processes for social analysis.  The results were pulled together in a 4 week research assembly in Chicago. The Social Process trianglesThe products of this research included 1) The Social Process Triangles, 2)  An indepth analysis, co-created by the 1000 participants in the research assembly including a statement of ideology, matrices of contradiction, and practical proposalsThe Imbalance Analysis, 3) The Pressure Points, 4) The Whistle Points, and 5) The Corporate Process Triangle. These models have served as guides for the numerous human development projects and educational endeavors of the Institute.

What actually came out of this research effort?  How was it applied?

Pressure Points, Whistle Point

Further analysis led to the identification of “Pressure Points” and “Whistle Points” – places in the social process that were particularly catalytic for positive change

All the Earth Belongs to All the People, “a new vision of purpose and meaning in specific social processes,” document written by participants in the Summer Research Assembly, 1971

I want to know more about the social process triangle model itself

(Toward a Practical Vision of the New Social Vehicle The Social Processes 07 1972)

  1. 40 page set of triangles
  2. Document A: The Dynamical Relations of the Social Process. Corporately written document by participants in the ICA Summer Research Assembly, 1971
  3. Mathews talk on Social Theoretics
  4. Dynamics Triangles
  5. CRRP. The Corporate Research Reading Portfolio, the compendium of results of the research done in preparation for the 1971 Global Research Assembly that worked on the Social Process

How has the method of analysis and planning grown over the years?

  1. The Summer 71 Compend
  2. The Summer 72 Compend

How has this work been applied since?

  1. LENS and the Corporate Process triangle adaptation. The Social Process Triangle also played a crucial role in the Institute’s training programs, particularly LENS (Leadership Effectiveness & New Strategies). Participants analyzed the economic, political, and cultural dynamics of society, identifying trends and issues and developing proposed approaches to addressing them.  A modification of the Social Process Triangle was developed to account for a particular form of society – a corporation – and the result was the Corporate Process Triangle
  2. Bicentennial Town Meeting
  3. Social Analysis Module from Canada
  4. Working with Imbalances
  5. Describing the dynamic relations in our mission