By January of 1971 we decided to focus attention on detailing the Social Process triangles to provide a comprehensive, theoretical base for analyzing society.
The Corporate Reading Research Project (CRRP) engaged several hundred colleagues in studying over 500 books and numerous periodical articles for insights and key concepts. The CRRP produced a 3 inch thick “portfolio” of 1 page summaries for use in the Summer Research Assembly. A small number of publications were designated as “Key Books” and used extensively.
A network of weekend Problem-Solving Units (PSU’s) digested this material during the spring of 1971 and constructed the Social Process Triangle model.
Participants in the Summer 71 Research Assembly completed work on the triangle model by cleaning the 6th level and identifying the Dynamical Relations among the poles of every triangle down to the 4th level and brainstorming and writing paragraphs illustrating the model.
The Full “Social Process” Model — The Social Dynamic of Humanness
Social Process Triangles booklet,
Corporately written
Social Dynamic of Humanness 3x3x3 Charts Corporately written
Dynamical Relations of the Social Process – Triangle book
Corporately written
Dynamical Relations of the Social Process Summer 71 Document A – Prose Description of the Social Process model and dynamics, Corporately written, 20905
Social Theoretics, Mathews, J.W & Wiegel, Jim, 14587
Social Theoretics (0 level Dynamics) , Mathews, J.W., 2684
Economic Theoretics, Wiegel, James, 7152
Economic Triangles, The, Tomlinson, Gary, 7111
Political Theoretics, Jenkins, Jon, 21444
Political Triangles, Bengel (Nelson), Elsa, 21443
Cultural Triangles – Language and Art, Mathews, J.W., 11143
Cultural Triangles – (continued) Education and Style, Mathews, J.W., 20903
Cultural Process, Jenkins, Maureen, 6730
LENS Economic Discourse, Wood, David, 7142
LENS Political Lecture, Slicker, Joseph, 7161
LENS Cultural Discourse –, Jenkins, Maureen, 6728
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Arthur C. Clarke