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Technology of Participation (ToP)

ICA Technology of Participation

Facilitation Training


Technology of Participation (ToP)®

​ToP training provides structured facilitation methods to help groups think, talk, and work together.

They enable highly energized, inclusive and meaningful group collaboration that leads to successful outcomes.

Without effective methods like ToP, it is easy for meetings to fall into a lot of cross-talk that gets nowhere or to have a few dominate the conversation while others feel bored or excluded. More long term and complex organization or community change projects often flounder because there is no consistent and authentic engagement of members and they do not feel ownership of the desired change.

ToP Methods support genuine participation, which leads to long term commitment and quality outcomes, as well as more effective teamwork. ToP Methods recognize and honor contributions from all group members, identify commonalities, and pool contributions into useful patterns – all while welcoming diversity and minimizing conflict.

The paradox of these methods is that they provide a structured approach to participation while enabling greater freedom of expression and voice.

The Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA) is known globally and locally for training in participatory methods for community and organizational development.


For Training opportunities around the world, visit the ICA International website.

ToP Foundational Values: Inclusive Participation & Profound Respect