Third Summer Research Program
[Summer ’67] was the 3rd summer program for college and university students, lay clergy groups, and teachers (Doris Hahn, March 2014).
Imaginal Education
Six weeks of movement training was conducted and a basic curriculum was created. The key was designing the Imaginal Education approach and curriculum—drawing on Kenneth Boulding’s understanding of images:
1. Everyone operates out of images.
2. Images govern behavior.
3. Images are created by messages that can be designed and communicated.
4. Images can change.
5. Changed images change behavior.
The UR Course
The UR Course on how primal images and depth experiences inform what it means to be a human being, was taught for the first time. There were six basic UR images of humanness: black, tan, brown, red, white, and yellow. The name UR came from mythology surrounding the ancient Sumerian city of Ur, now in modern Iraq, known for its antiquity and cultural diversity.
The first Fifth City festivals and UR festivals were held in the community each Saturday night of Summer ’67 (Doris Hahn, 2013).
The Kinderschool opened in the [5th City] Program Center (Nan Grow, 1993).
Published the fourth issue of IMAGE, which included “The 5th City Reformulation Project” and the Five Operating Presuppositions (See » page 28).
Council II of the Order Ecumenical
Council II created Document I,
The Declaration of the Spirit Movement and
the People of G.O.D. Triangles.
Corporately studied Saviors of God, by Nikos Kazantzakis.
Consensed on the North American Grid.
The Student House Experiment
The Student House experiment was initiated with twelve high school youth. The first nineteen order youth were sent to live and study abroad.