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November 2020 PSU

1st Virtual PSU on Social Research Center Design
In the last century, the founders of the Institutes committed themselves to (inventing/discovering pioneering) and providing tools, structures, images and methods of participating effectively in the midst of our world.  Today a global network of national ICA’s, their partners and colleagues and ToP practitioners and trainers continue to enrich and disseminate that legacy in organizations, communities and individuals around the world.  We see ourselves as a part of the much larger “sensitive and responsive part of specific groups and humankind as a whole.”


As we move into the middle decades of the 21st Century we are confronted with realities, reactions and challenges that boggle our imaginations and threaten to paralyze our best efforts to live and respond.  What will it take to effectively release and sustain the positive human energy needed at all levels to meet the challenges of our time?


The task of this PSU is to outline a  functional design for a Social Research Center–  its function, form, governance, and timeline to become a viable resource worldwide for supporting and inspiring positive global social change. We are now challenged to think big again. Let’s brainstorm and see what we come up with. This is a moment for action and hope in the face of seeming hopelessness. What can we do to get ToP into governance processes, Imaginal Education into public education, profound humanness models and methods into the self-help movement, and other methods and models into the movement of movements (MoM)? What needs to be done at the different levels – community, nation, global?  Thinking and doing big is what we have always been about. What might thinking and acting BIG look like in our moment of the threats of pandemic, climate chaos, ecocide, misogyny, racism, violence, and much more? 

Click image to download large PDF copy of the Final PSU MURAL wall

Zoomable copy of Final MURAL Wall of the PSU

2020 PSU Final