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Mike Tippett

1937 – July 14, 2024

On Sunday, July 14 , Michael Tippett made his final curtain call. We are profoundly sad that we had to say goodbye to this funny, smart, witty and kind soul, but we are relieved that he is no longer in pain. During his 86 years on the earth, our father/grandfather lived a life of service as an educator and community leader. He was a true Christian who lived out his faith quietly, but resolutely. We will gather on his birthday, September 1, to celebrate his life.

          ~~  Brooke Tippett Thompson

Journey on Michael,

          ~~  Paula Philbrook

So sorry to hear this news about Mike’s death.  We will miss Mike’s faithful presence to his family, friends, colleagues, and the larger world as well as his wonderful contribution to keeping us connected in Word and Deed.  Grace and peace,

          ~~  Carleton and Ellie Stock


I feel deeply sad, even as I know that Mike lived a full, deep and joy-filled life. He was a man of service who found his fulfillment there. Teaching long after “retirement” not necessarily because he loved it but because it was needed. His care for Meg and Judi was filled with love. He was such a model of Those Who Care.

          ~~  Seth T. Longacre


I am so sad to hear this news. I always enjoyed the little notes we exchanged around ordering our annual Directory. He was so generous with his time and talent as he helped keep so many of us connected through the Order/Movement Directory. The times we spent working together in the past were often filled with stories about teaching and managing a school.  He exuded a joy of living and a constant sense of caring for others. I was blessed for having known him. He will be missed.

          ~~  Ann Ensinger

A great SOUL…..a profound gift and legacy of caring🦋🌈. In Peace, Love & Hope,

~~  Wanda Holcombe

I am sorry to hear this. He was so faithful. I wonder who will continue the Directory now.

          ~~  Susan Fertig-Dykes

Ahhhh, another bright star has joined the blue Heavens.

          ~~  Sunny Walker

Dear friends,  Thank you for giving us this news,though I am profoundly sad to read it. Mike and Judith and I think some of their children too,  were members of the Religious House in Adelaide here. A man now deeply missed, who believed in the depths of life often through the vessel of communication. His passion for the annual Directory is unsurpassed in my memory.  God was his joy and strength. Thanks be to God. With love and hope,

          ~~  Isobel Bishop


My heart is broken to learn that Mike Tippett has passed from us.  Joe and I met him for the first time at the consult in Bananeiras, where he was an amazing presence — ever the leader in whatever situation required.  Later on he and Judith stepped up to lead programs for McDonald’s store manager TMAs (Total Market Approach) using the Lens methods.  And then Mike took on keeping us connected, through the Directory.  Mike was a quintessential “teacher”, and lent all those skills wherever he stood and worked.  His abounding, authentic love and care for every person he encountered was profoundly evident — especially as he wanted to make corrections to each of our addresses and e-mails ever after….  We will love you ever, thereafter, Mike……

          ~~  Mari (and Joe) Crocker


With grateful heart I celebrate Mike’s completed life among us all as he joins into our Beloved Community enjoying eternal life. Love, Grace and Peace,
~~  Ellen Howie, with Dick in my heart



So sad to hear of his death. He has been a wonderful colleague with keeping us all connected. Life and death are truly ours at every moment. So glad to have had Michael as one of our colleagues
~~  Priscilla Wilson



As I heard of Michael’s death, I remember his visit to the Seattle area a couple of years ago. It was delightful to share stories and memories of a time long ago in the Cleveland area and experiences of more recent times. I’ll remember him well for his dedication to connecting us with our priceless directories. He is already missed. Sent with love,❤️
~~  Nancy Lanphear



Thanks, Michael, for your persistent witness to the Word and your relentless resolve to serve others. You and Judith took total responsibility for Meg’s tragic accident and her new journey of being. As a couple you opened your home to countless meetings of EI colleagues – as we studied together and planned out RS-1teaching calendars and assignments across the Cleveland Region. The Spirit Movement has been our common connection and your faithful work on the Directory has symbolized our enduring friendships. Thank you. Journey on Michael, Journey on.

          ~~  Sherwood and Eunice Shankland



The Tippets and the Knutsons started out in the Cleveland Region about the same time.  I remember 4:30 am Cadre meetings at the Tippets home when we were in the Cleveland house.  I think Mike was the only one who wasn’t grumpy at that hour.  He will be missed.

          ~~  Joan Knutson



With gratitude for the life of Michael Tippet.   He cared for us all by connecting us in our changing and dispersed locations through “The Directory”, personally produced by him.

          ~~  Marie Sharp



Thank you for your life and your kindness. You have so sustained me. Blessings in your passing.

          ~~  Sarah Buss


We are so thankful for Mike Tippett.  He was still an amazing person when we finally met him at our House Church event after he and Meg moved to Maryland a few years ago.  Caring for others and the whole world was what we saw in Mike.  With gratitude for his love and service to the Order. Grace and peace,

          ~~  Jack and Louise Ballard