by Jim Troxel
Millennia Consulting, LLC, was founded in Chicago, Illinois, in 1996 by three individuals who were affiliated with the Institute of Cultural Affairs. Karen Snyder and Jim Troxel had been staff members for 30 years and Ken O’Hare, while serving as head of the Chicago Mayor’s Office of Training and Development, had invited the ICA’s LENS team to conduct a ToP strategic planning retreat for his agency. After a change in mayors, Ken attended the ICA’s Global Academy upon which he sojourned in the GreenRise for six months.
The firm achieved over a million dollars in revenue in its second and third years of operation and invited other experienced consultants to join the team. One of them was Mirja Hanson from Minneapolis, Minnesota, also a veteran ICA member. The client focus of their work was with civil society organizations such as nonprofits, education, philanthropic and governmental organizations.
With Karen, Ken, Jim and Mirja, many ICA methodologies found their way into the Millennia work culture, products and services. Most often they were delivered in combination with other organization development techniques such as Total Quality Management, Business Process Reengineering, Appreciative Inquiry, and so forth. Since Jim and Karen were also adjunct faculty members with DePaul University’s School for New Learning, it, too, benefitted with the insertion of ICA methods and models inside its academic curriculum.
Later, Millennia, in conjunction with DePaul, attempted to forge a certificate program in group process facilitation. That program, spearheaded by Jim and Karen, lasted a few years before both parties moved on to more lucrative ventures. The three founders have all retired from Millennia which still functions in a virtual mode.
Many of the modules, curriculum, papers found in this section of the Methods Collection are a result of the merging of ICA techniques into Millennia’s menu of services. You are invited to survey these materials and it is hoped you will benefit from seeing these innovative applications of ICA methods.
Links to Documented Applications
ORID Conversation 4 x 4 (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Action Planning – Training Module (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Affinity Process, The – Power Point Slides (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Bibliography for the DePaul Facilitation Program (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Contradictions Workshop (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Force Field Analysis Blurb (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Group Facilitation Certificate Program (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Guided Dialogue – For Releasing Depth Wisdom (Jean Watts))
Intro to Group Facilitation (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Leading Lively Meetings (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
ORID by David Dunn (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Stages of Group Development (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Strategic Directions – Five Working Groups – The Five Perspectives (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Supervisory Course Guide (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
EI Team Process, The, – Employee Involvement (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Statement Template (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Active Listening – Increasing Team Effectiveness –
The Power of Being Attentive (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Being a Change Agent (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Brainstorming (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Building a Vision (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Certificate Assessment (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Decision Making Process (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Five Types of Strategies (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Focus Question Worksheet (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Graphic Recording and Organizing of Facilitated Sessions (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
IAF Ethics (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Identifying Root Causes (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Relationship Styles (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Role of the Facilitator (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Stages of Group Development (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Strategic Directions – Five Perspectives for Brainstorming (Troxel-Millennia Consulting)
Participation Works, Case Studies from Around the World, Synopsis, James Troxel, 1993
NOTE: All articles in Participation Works were written by ICA Colleagues
Government Works: Profiles of People Making a Difference, A Synopsis
James Troxel, 1995, General Editor
Articles below were written by ICA Colleagues:
Affirmative Facilitation: An Asset-Based Approach to Process Consultation, Chapter 33, pp 591-603, James P. Troxel, IAF Handbook of Facilitation, Sandor Schuman, ED. 2005
FACILITATION PRACTICES- BOOKS: Skills and competencies
ToP: Eradicating Meningitis, Marilyn Oyler and Gordon Harper, 2007
IAF HANDBOOK OF FACILITATION, Ed. Sandor Schuman, Jossey-Bass, 2005
Affirmative Facilitation An Asset Based Approach to Process Facilitation,
Jim Troxel, p 591
Operational Dimensions of Facilitation, Jon Jenkins, p.473
Facilitation from the Inside Out, John Epps, p.563