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Author: Doug

Spring 2017 Sojourn Report

22:11 31 March in Archive Sojourns, Spring 2017

March 13-17, 2017   Time Design Monday 13 Tuesday 14 Wednesday 15 Thursday 16 Friday 17 Collegium 7am TED TALK Nationalism Vs Globalism What is happening today? Jack NSV What did we say and do about the New Social Vehicle? Jack NRM Our work on the interior. Jack New Audience Who is the audience of our work for today? Jack The Profound Intent of the Archives...

Ten Assets

22:19 11 March in Uncategorized

THREE FORMATIVE DOCUMENTS. Between 1966 and 1968 staff and colleagues of the Ecumenical Institute declared themselves to be part of, and responsible for shaping what they termed a “Global Spirit Movement. See below links to three formative documents with the opening words of each followed...