The First Twenty-four Human Development Projects
Twelve Human Development Projects were launched toward a total of twentyfour, one in each time zone around the world. The communities were selected as demonstrations of how human development working toward local selfsufficiency, self-confidence, and self-reliance is possible in any location. The first of the consults was held in Majuro, Micronesia.

* From 1970–1972, the staff in Mowanjum were a Religious House.…Mowanjum acted as a catalyst (primarily from Indigenous elders) for the former Forrest River Mission people to return to Oombulgurri ( Jonathan Barker, April 29, 2015).
** The Fifth City Community Reformulation Project dates from 1963 (» See page 22).
* From 1970–1972, the staff in Mowanjum were a Religious House.…Mowanjum acted as a catalyst (primarily from Indigenous elders) for the former Forrest River Mission people to return to Oombulgurri ( Jonathan Barker, April 29, 2015).
** The Fifth City Community Reformulation Project dates from 1963 (» See page 22).1976
Global Community Forums
• 5,000 Town Meetings were held—one in every county in the United States between 1976 and 1978 (Bill Grow, 1993). “Oklahoma 100” was the first intensive Town Meeting coverage across an entire state: 100 Town Meetings were held on one weekend. 100 Town Meetings were also held in Oklahoma City schools.
• Global Youth Forums were held.
The Institute of Cultural Affairs in Canada
• The Institute of Culural Affairs was incorporated in Canada on January 8, 1976.
Fifth City
• Fifth City Business School, held Fifth City adult night classes beginning in 1976 or 1977.
Spring 1977
• In the spring of 1977, Global Woman’s Forums (GWF) were held around the world. The GWF was eventually held in twenty-five nations with women of all ages, in major cities and rural villages.
• Human Development Training Schools (HDTS) began in project locations. This was an intensive residential program, that focused on developing effective leadership skills and methods in the midst of an active community.
• International Training Institutes (ITI) were held in Caracas, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Zambia, and Kenya (Bill Grow, 1993).
• Shifted from using butcher paper for workshops, to cards or half sheets of paper for collecting data, right after the Majuro Consult in 1976–77.
• Raised money for Latin American expansion.