Global Assembly
The ICAI General Assembly (GA) is held twice a year for ICAI members and the broader community of people interested in ICAI ongoing activities.
In July
Event Details
Global Assembly
The ICAI General Assembly (GA) is held twice a year for ICAI members and the broader community of people interested in ICAI ongoing activities.
In July 2021 the ICAI Board reorganized to have one Board member representing each of the member ICAs or a total of 18 nations. The new Board initiated new teams that meet monthly:
Africa ICA Revitalization
Asia Pacific
Community Development
Core Team
Global Conferences
Membership Care
Organizational Sustainability
ToP Approaches
The agenda for the General Assembly has a strong emphasis on reports from these teams and GA decisions for 2022 on budget and other recommendations.
If you are interested in participating in the GA, email to receive a Zoom link.
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