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Town Meeting Intensified

The Town Meeting Campaign began with a goal of having one Town Meeting in every county of the United States.  However, some states intensified that goal, such as Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas.  In Chicago, Illinois Kitty Cole and Georgiana McBurney led the “Standing Tall in the 80s campaign that offered forums to every one of Chicago’s 77 communities.

Mississippi 200




Oklahoma 100


Texas 100


Town Meeting (Community Forum) talks: The Future of Town Meeting”; Keys to Urban Victory, Don Clark 1976;  A Compendium of Talks/Reports 1976, “Profound Awakenment” by Joseph Mathews 1977, “The New World” by Don Raschke at the Kemper Town Meeting 1975; George Holcombe at Clarksburg, West Virginia Town Meeting; “The New Human”, Lyn Mathews, March 1975

Town Meeting Report to US Department of Housing and Urban Development, September 1978