The files shared on this page tell the story of Joseph Wesley Mathews life from 1911-1977. Mathews was the director of the Order Ecumenical, Ecumenical Institute and Institute of Cultural Affairs from 1963-1977. Most of the files shared here were donated by the Institutes to the Wesley Theological Seminary in 2009. We are grateful for a partnership with the Seminary and the E.Stanley Jones Foundation to have this story shared with the world.
1932 – 1950
In this paper, How My Theology Has Changed in the Last Decade (December 19, 1946), Mathews lays out three periods of his life during the decade:
Pre-War Period – his studies at:
1932 Lincoln Memorial University
1935 Asbury College (one year)
1937 Biblical Seminary, New York, NY (Broadway Temple Church)
1938 Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, New Jersey
Christian Idea of God (outline), 1940s
Union Theological Seminary, New York New York
War Period – WWII Preaching Mission
Post-War Period
Following the war, Mathew studied at Union for nine months when he wrote about his changing theology.
Dissertation Draft, including Table of Contents and Introduction, Yale University 1948
Dissertation on John Wesley: Chapter 1: The Human Constitution, Chapter 2: The Life of Love, Chapter 3: The Knowledge of Faith, Concluding Remarks
Letter to H.R. Niebuhr Proposing Publishing a HRN book of essays, August 31, 1051
1960 Christian Faith and Life Community
South Caroline Methodist Student Conference brochure, Joseph Mathews speaker, October 1960
1963 Ecumenical Institute Director
1977 End of Life Reflections, September 7, 1977