A tribute to Elaine Telford
From dawn to dusk- a life fully lived
left us a lasting legacy that shone light
from her labour of love, her devotion to bridge
our nation’s fate of non-recognition with the first peoples’
descendants, so we can catch a fruitful glimpse
of a better tomorrow, here in this place we call home –
the ground of being, the soul of the earth,
soil and water nurtured and cared for
by ancient dwellers who respected the wisdom that oozed
from the terrain they had tracked from time immemorial
for thousands of years despite the suffering
and pain that we, new dwellers
had inflicted upon them to this day.
Yet, the embers of faith and hope
could never be extinguished in Elaine Telford’s world.
She had left us an ever-lingering smile to carry on
this loving task of living the dream, the vision
of carrying the torch for togetherness
in Caring for Country, in acknowledging all
of God’s marvellous Creation.
~~ Deborah Ruiz Wall, Newtown, 8 November 2023
At Mexico Global Research Assembly 1988