1919 – November 5, 2012
Another colleague has joined the great chorus that enfolds us. Bob and Pat Stewart participated in the local church experiment. They were on the west side during the summer fires of 1967. Bob and Pat used imaginal education and other methods. The Methodist church sent Bob to 1st St. John’s in San Francisco. Instead, he brought new life to the congregation and the church thrived for ten more years. Bob has been such a spirit giant. He has become involved a little in Native American spirituality. He has written his own prayers and had several hours of prayer time in the early morning. Journeying on in grace,
~~. Ann Shafer
Bob was a true prophet, as I recall JWM saying. He was wise, calm, humble, kind. He and Pat fostered three of our children while we attended Academy in fall, 1970. They were priors, along with the Wainwrights and Jenkins in the San Francisco House at that time. How fortunate I feel to have known them.
I think Ann meant to say he was sent to close 1st St.John’s UMC. it was a wonderful congregation, where we held our courses. The building was creaky to sleep in, but we managed. Grace and peace,
~~ Jann McGuire