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ReSurge: Canadian Film Festivals for a Livable Climate

09novAll Day14ReSurge: Canadian Film Festivals for a Livable Climate A combined festival with global impact

Event Details

A film festival with water and climate themes; meaningful discussions with filmmakers, newsmakers, and activists; and direct connections to action in your community.

LIVE STREAMED November 9-14
ON DEMAND November 9-30

In celebration of our 10th anniversary, Water Docs is excited to have launched the ReSurge Festival. It’s a unique, breakthrough initiative uniting film festivals from across Canada to co-host a one-of-a-kind water and climate-themed virtual documentary and event series to promote serious action to avert further climate crises.


Film festivals and organizations that have joined the Resurge Festival include: BANFF World Media Festival, Hot Docs, Guelph Film Festival, Vancouver Shorts Film Festival, What About Water? (Global Institute for Water Security), Ontario Water Works Association (UofT Student Chapter), Outdoor Outdoor Film Festival, Wakefield Doc Fest, Silver Wave Film Festival, imagineNATIVE, Calgary Justice Film Festival, Kingston Canadian Film Festival, ReelWorld, Forest City Film Festival, The Water Institute (UofW), DRAWDOWN Toronto, DRAWDOWN British Columbia and DRAWDOWN Alberta.


Until Oct. 24, Festival Passes are available with a donation of $10 in celebration of our 10th anniversary.
Starting Oct. 25, festival passes will be on sale for $25. Individual screening tickets will not be sold.


The ReSurge Film Festival is an innovative initiative that responds head-on to the urgent need for climate action. It is a platform that will help sway public sentiment and foster action. Please join us.

Stan Gibson, Founder and ED: Ecologos Environmental Organization,  Water Docs Film Festival

and ReSurge: Canadian Film Festivals for a Liveable Climate



November 9, 2021 - November 14, 2021 (All Day)(GMT-05:00)

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