We welcome you to join us in our yearly celebration of life experience. A group of us linked to the ICA came together last year to share our journey through the years of the pandemic and to experience solidarity in human experience. We have decided to reprise the event and open it to all who might be interested in joining us.
This is not a training or marketing event. It is a time to BE together in a pitstop of life as we explore our diverse interests and concerns. Think of it as an oasis – a reflective break. Below is a flyer with the registration information. The 2 sessions will be held to enable participants from different time zones to choose their preference.
SESSION WEST – hosted from San Francisco at 6pm on 5th Jan (10am Beijing & 1pm Sydney, 6th Jan) Link: http://bit.ly/3h3cybD
SESSION EAST – hosted from Beijing and Malaysia at 7pm on 6th Jan (11am Togo & 10pm Sydney on 6th Jan) Link: http://bit.ly/3iGZ1H4
You could also register by writing to: agammel@ix.netcom.com
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